The sheer transparent duplicity of X’s stance standing merely(mirror’ly reflected) over reflection why you’re; you now asz though(tsz) w/intent of intentionally disregarding/ignoring that complete invincible invisible individual indivisibility of y you’re; you being be”am’ing on pur’pose of still free freed freedom standing stance posture state status of the e star’e ting(assembly asz though(tsz) y not(na)) point of view/you/y now appearing a pairing out(x) & about raising heaven or hell under spell(ing) of alphabeta.(in beginning is mere(mirror) word to reflect the or y of man’as mind or y inward(word) x mind(x act) or y/x’s stance standing over man(uber mensch – super(i or) mind) or y you asz though(tsz) x u’all(y’all).

Thatsz y we all(wheel) turn around & around & around in complete d”ark’ness/eN’y circle”ment  be(ing) cause(ka’s) y’all b(l)ack(a)’g”round bodhi being to perceive forma’asz(ma’ss) a w(h)ile(space) now(time), a cunning deceitful deadly daring duplicating duplicity of y now asz though(tsz) x’s stance or x is ting(assembly asz though(tsz)) of mere(mirror duplication) appearing w/out(x) by word spell(ing) of alphabeta.

Thus be thankful for y’all lyin’ thievin’ weaselin’ chiselin’ sons’a bitchin’ cold hearted ignorant arrogant bastards(so bad they’re good for something) inciting value of realizing y you’re; you not asz x’s stance.  To be a’gain(& a gain & a gain & a gain) only asz too(two) lose (en)forces one asz too(two) appreciate the still(immortal motionless) singular complete nonattached invisible individual status state standing free freed freedom star’e(seer sight seeing point of view/you/y) being y you’re; you not x’s stance(status of x un(a)known/one known(objectified)).

We all(wheel) in turning into x’s stance(inspir(al)ed y’ll d’na) find that in that standing any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you now appearing a pairing asz in x’s ting asz though(tsz) of the or y of relativity opposition in equal measure, coming w/going, beginning w/ending, birth w/death, love w/hate, particle w/ways of eve’ll(waves will/go(a)d of energy).

Thus it usually takes many(ma’sz any merely y na you now) a turn around suffering(on karmic/cause&effect wheel(we all) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) as such indignity asz too(two appearing a pairing of opposites)(young & old) a w(h)ile still one to desire liberation. (Y this field of sorrow/suffering is more valuable than any(y na you now) heavenly X plane ation(aton I))

Appreciate the pain of appearing a pairing asz too(two) feeling(bio-fielding)(field of samsara/suffering) being that being alone(indivisible) asz it forges, like hammering hot iron on the anvil of villainy, true value of liberation [<L liber free or book(liber/libri] w(h)ile living(appearing asz though(tsz) a pairing in the or y of a w(h)ile(space) now(time) me or you(memory).

“To greatness belongs dreadfulness: let no one be deceived about that.”  Nietszche foreshadowing the rise of nationalism & anti-semeticism in Germany & the nature of X’s stance standing over man(uber mensch) on sheer dubious duplicity of being y’ll d’na.