In (being be”am’ing) the (or y)(man’as mind’or y) black (being”lack(ing)(asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing being w/out(x)) w/hole (hollow/hallow/sacred black d”ark Krish’na Kryst/Christ/LOVE SUPREME bliss y you’re; you now(u’ni’fied field-bio field- bi o/ay’in ay) experience experienced directly & periodically by y’all asz z  z’leep b(l)ack into one single singular now black black BLACK un(a)consciousness. (blackg’round of eve/ma re y g’round of wheel(we all) turning churning yearning burning into complete roles/rolls of dhi ark en(y) ess(e))

Thus in(being be”am’ing) that universal(you na(ture-t(h)at u (a)re) star’e y) black bodhi[<Skr. bo being + dhi to perceive] (X bodhi) singular singularity experience experienced directly & periodically asz y’all z  z   z’leep ‘falling asz z  z’leep’ back(re) into one un(a)consciousness we all(wheel) may realize x’turn(ing)”all y y’all inspir(al)ed now(time) y’ll(w(h)ile-space) d’na we’re(weir obstruction & opening) the(the or y in(being) man’as mind’or y) black (w)hole.  We all(wheel) may realize externally, while DNA, being be”am’ing the black whole a w(h)ile still free standing state status the e star’e eht re; point of view/you/y you’re; you-timeless spaceless motionless.

In other word(sz) we all(wheel) asz though(tsz) in man’s mind or y turn b(l)ack(re) into the black (w)hole by sheer transparent duplicity of the or y of X-mass(Christ-mass) man’as though(tsz) mind’or y(memory)(infinite potential) or any mere(mirror duplication) y na you now(time) y’ll(w(h)ile-space) d’na x’spir(al)’ing singular experience awakening(a’ten/binary w/ak(h)en/I am(is is)(akhenaten) asz though(tsz) too(two) appear a pair y asz x u’all.  Still(immortal motionless timeless) that awareness y you’re; you remains invisible indivisible individual point of view/you/y/yod/iota/that I am is is.

Y you ‘re”main(ly) you now w/intent of intentionally ignoring y you’re indivisible by black bodhi ka’s y’all, by(being y) being”lack’ in’g(go go go(a)d(thoth(tsz) – energy) appearing a pairing asz too(two) y’sz being(sz) w/out(x).

Thus we all(wheel) turning b(l)ack’g”round into that micro-macro ka’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) BLACK (W)HOLE bodhi in(being be”am’ing) complete rolls/roles of d”ark’ness awaken asz any mere(mirror duplicating) y na(u ni verse/star’e y) you now out(x) appearing a pairing asz though(tsz) forma’sz(mass) a w(h)ile(cunning deceit of y now any mere y na me(m or y)(you asz though(tsz) in name memory).

Thus if y’all pay any y na bodhi, pay attention asz point of view/you/y.