Y n(a) eve r(e) (y) X is tense at’tention of appearing a’pairing asz though(tsz) the or y of man’as mind’or y me or you(memory)(theory of relativity) in(being be”am’ing) pairs of opposites right/left, male/female, beginning/ending .

Y you’re you never x is tsz(exists) asz though(tsz – mere(mirror reflection) way of eve(wave)re y function of the e star’e eht now out(x)) y na you now not((y) na t(h)ing t(h)ing’k’ing asz though(tsz)) in(being) other than, y’et(ing) merely(mirror’ly duplicate deceit) appearing a pairing a w(h)ile(cunning con of reflected reflection in relativity motion ways of eve’ll(waves will)) still(motionless timeless immortal immortality) being being(ben ben) free freed freedom standing status state star’e y((i)tsz)(of ay’z)point of view/you/y you’re; you.

Y you now(na)(not) would be tense too if it(x as tense) happened to you.