A ledge, allegedly being, of k’now, ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness k’urve in g(gravity of the weight/wait’in’g) time(now) for any mere mirror duplicating y na you now as’z x’u’all(y’all sexual) roles/rolls a’sz ‘fool’ fooled falling for mere mirror duplicity of an y duplication asz y na you now asz though’tsz not(ignored) now by thinking of falling out(x) for awhile, in space, fall as’z z z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y)(universal black whole) body of infinite potential as’z though’tsz in the or y of man’as mind’or y memory me or you being lack’ing(blacking out(x)) in ignoring indivisibility by appearing a pairing as’z too (two twa twy’sting inspir(al)ing X per I en c’ing(I in seer sight seeing))(experiencing) being’sz disappearing in complete d”ark’ness, d’hi(to perceive) ark or k’urve(rolls/roles/scrolls) in time around awhile/space(y’ll d’na – cunning crafty deceit of denial ignore-ance w/intent of intentionally disregarding being that invincible invisible individual being), still stillness feeling being alone felt field of view, of you, being that being invisible indivisible individual motionless immortal center centered centrality, that point of view, of you, of yod, iota, that y you’re; you that that I am is is.(indivisible invisible seer sight seeing – seen/scene/felt field of view, of you & you being that being alone merely mirror’ly as’z thought’sz y(you’re; you)appearing a pairing subject y asz x(un(a)known/objectified) by falling off, for, by, in, etc., that k’now”ledge.

Why(y) you gotta laugh you’r(e) asz of(f) falling for(ma’sz jest y) the joke(ja/y/you/yod/iota/that I am + o/ayin + ke/ka/ka as mic memory intelligence consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive to wish to think to desire from above after alleged fall off ledge of k’now).(knowledge)

Thus we all in turning on the ma re y g’round play the role, the way of eve(wave) re y mere mirror function of funny action till the roll plays us around & around & around as’z memory of me or you.