What is the point of a singularity in the first place if only to appear beginning multiplying in(being be”am’ing) now(time) awhile(space)?

What or why, for what purpose is the point of a singularity in the first place if only to appear multiplying in the event of any mere mirror function of y na now aw(h)ile, of a time of cunning conning duplicity by one only asz now(in time) appearing a pairing still being only one now too periodically disappear black into that same one un(a)consciousness. In other words, why appear now awhile only to disappear? Why appear now awhile still being that invisible indivisible individual beyond the fleeting moments of good sex, drugs, & rock’n’roll in between years of painful awkward growth followed by long slow decline & descent into irrelevance, decay, dissolution? There is only one really good reason to suffer painful birth, awkward perilous growth, y’all too brief maturity to let the good times roll, then suffering the indignities of aging leading to dissolution. That reason is to find a value, a hair-fire desire to discern, to apprehend, to pick up on the still stillness(immortal motionless immortality) of being that free being free now, free forever. That is to find yourself free FREE FREED FREEDOM NOW, FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE D FREEDOM FOREVER & EVER & EVER. Thatsz a beautiful thang. C’mon people now, smile on you’re; brother sister, try to love one another now . . . . . .realize BEING THAT BEING . . . .w/intent of LOVE SUPREME . . . .Invisible, invincible, indivisible . . .Now . . . .forever & ever & ever. Naked or covered . . .bodiless amidst bodies . . .permanent amidst impermanence. . . .What it is . . . .what it will be . . . .being that being in the first place . . .from the first time too the last. Still that may be why that singular being singularity remains invisible in any mere mirror y na you not(denied – that singularity denied for the sake of appearing to suffer as too(two) being’s’z the’n disappearing) now aw(h)ile(cunning deceitful duplicity in space of that’s’z z z a now y singularity merely mirror’ly appearing a pairing y na you now a’s z z z’ex.

For what or why(y) per pose for’ma’ss way of eve re y(wave re y) bodhi w/intent now of mere mirror function appearing a pairing y as e’x(posing still only y) un(a)known(one objectified for’ma’ss) though’t’sz(t’sz = mere mirroring the e star’e eht, the star’e point of view, of you, of y(singular point of singularity in the first place) seer sight see’ng now(time) out(x) k’urving(k’now) n(un a(o’ne) eve’n ting as though’tsz ways of eve(waves) el(eve’ll – wave will function) around complete(singular) rolls/roles of d”ark’ness.(to perceive(d’hi) a re k’urve(ark) to be(esse) ‘n'(a n y)ting(assembly as though’tsz* in’formation).

Why is the point of view, of you, of y of a singularity, of a singular individual being in being the first place to begin appearing out(x) a pairing(x’et’ing/anding/duplicating) me with you, mem or y you’re; you now as’z though’t’sz in the or y of man’as mind or y that invisible being y as though x’s ting in’formation.

Y is the point of view, of you, of y you’re; a singular being, being that invisible indivisible individual in being be”am’ing out(x) the first super imposed per’superson’ic person singular present in the first place to begin with being not(ignored)(y na), y’ll d’na(denial) ignore”ance w/intent of intentional disregard in being singular indivisible individual now(time) out(x) a while(space) appearing a pairing(x’et’ing) in that e’ve’re’y time + space of her’e eve’re’y body.

Why/y singularity is hidden in complete darkness is because(being cause) y na k’ed you now you’re; not ka’s’ed (caused/potential) unmanifest singularity as’z in(being) for’ma’sz’at’i’on( mere mirror as though’t’sz information potential). Naked/revealed, it, that invisible indivisible singularity not ignored would or must by design reabsorb y’all observer observing observation on plan’et (plan of anding/ending-y duplicating as though’t’sz x – one un(a)known/objectified) (h)ear’th (ka’s mic super sonic super imposition in’for’ma’sz a w(h)ile(cunning super imposed super sonic duplicity of ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y) asz though”t’sz x is ting(assembly asz though’t’sz w/gravity of weighting for’ma’sz death, waiting for death, gravity of one waiting as too(two) die))) back(Mr. re) into one singular un(a)consciousness. Being that naked visible invisibility paradox must resolve in dissolution of for’ma’sz eve’re’y body apparent a pairing now awhile disappearing back into one un(a)manifest un(a)I’verse ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness ka’s y’all(causal y) bodhi being to perceive by awakening a’gain & a’gain & a’gain only to lose any gain in a’while still being that immortal indivisible being y purpose per pose of y you a’re’appearing in the first place only as too(two) realize still being that one single singular indivisible singularity individual being.

In other words y na k’ed singularity must re’veal x posing a’sz though’t’sz that’sz y. That’sz y scientist must fear naked or clothed singularity a’sz ending or beginning of science asz we all in turning know it. Y’et that ending is mere mirror beginning(& middle) in realizing being that being in the first place y’all along any way of eve(ka’s mic memory)(wave) re y, her’e eve’re’y black mirror see’re’y body function of funny action of being be’am’ing any mere mirr’or y duplication y or y na you now time k’urving awhile as’z potential though’t’sz in formation(for m(em or y) aton/at’ten tion/binary that I am na/now/time) in being be’am’ing space(a w(h)ile, a cunning deceit as’z though”t’sz y you’re; you appearing by a pairing(time to space) asz x u’all(y’all) for’ma’sz per pose(purpose) still free standing the e star’e eht seer sight see’ng/scene now(time) out(x) in sound ways of eve(n’t)(waves) re y’s h’our I (per)son(ic)’all’y y’all (eve’n’t mom’en’t asz too mom’en’t)

Thus any explication of y(y you’re you) merely mirror’el’y way of mind or y function y you’re; you appearing now awhile(time space) as’z though’t’sz not y, not you(ignored w/intent of intentional disregard of being that indivisible being)(thus y’all knowing /k’no no no’w’ing is denying being invisible and indivisible, therefore realizing discerning apprehending that singularity, being that singular individual being, is ending or beginning of knowledge, end or beginning of denial). Realize that mom’en’t by mom’en’t(mommy eve beginning by ending-www waves of her eve’re’y bodhi) or ignore it lifetime loop to lifetime loop(the e turn all’y y’all en’d’ing in beginning) Quantum gravity loop, Ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness black’g”round of her’e being now eve’re’y bodhi(Quantum) being w/the weight of intent of intentional disregard of being still complete, the gravity of being as’z though’t’sz born now in’for’m’d’a’sz awhile still merely mirror’ly(el y function as’z x act duplication(funny act’ion function) waiting to die(disappear black into that one singular indivisible ka’s mic k’now’ing(now time k’urving in complete rolls/roles of d’ark’ness’in g(gravity weight/wait of death/birth/beginning ending).

Any explanation(x of y) is denial of you being that single singular singularity naked(invisible dark bodhi potential) or y na you now clothed(caused as though’t’sz appearing by a pairing(y x) (at’ten tion – a binary(y or y na) that I am) a while still(motionless – immortal – invincible – indivisible – individual) being that being.

Y scientist k’now, turn now as’z too, as’z two realize apprehend discern thy(the y) being that being still eve’n’a while being dopey dupe fool falling off alleged ledge of k’now time k’urving around any mere mirror role, phd or dhp(dip-head person).