ABBC, Alpha Beta Binary Code, A Be’ing Binary(by na y y na re or being y na/now y you’re; y you are) Cee’ng(seer sight see’ng) of(ay’in function) Literature – littera – letter + a t(h)at u (a)re – seer sight see’ng – sound(healthy) way of(wave) or means A meaning changeless a’s eve’na inwardly in word all y y’all a’s emotion all y or y’all expressing a’s semantics, as relationship, the or y in word based memory(man’as mind, mem or y).

In other word sz a A (in(being)definite article(being functional)) relationship as’z though’tsz B’ng that Being C’n(in’n nu nu . . . NNNNNNNN. . . . . nun an’na) ka’s mic mem or y). The letter code offers instant connection, i.e. N still hieroglyph NNN – wwwwwwavy line instantly relates electromagnetic loops in wave patterns of different wavelength, frequency per second denoted by n(nu) expressed in Hertz(Hz=1cps), velocity-distance traveled in 1 sec./Volts, amplitude- height of the crest or depth of the trough denoted by a. a determines brightness & intensity of light. . . thus ABBC 3D audio-visual-semantic code based on hidden esoteric knowledge of being that being that Ka’s mic counterpart, that overstanding understanding of being that invisible, hence undetectable by psy”en’tific in’word or mathematic symbol means other than mere realizing being that y’all along, that awareness A way to the sacred source of y’all’sz ‘Western’ literature, manifesting 3300+ years ago w/the invention of “A”alphabeta, 22 phonetic symbols derived from thousands of hieroglyphs during the brief reign of New Kingdom Pharaoh Akhenaten. Egypt in this era was a melting pot for influences beyond her border much like the modern ‘western’ USA. The main stream of this influence, Arya, ‘how ar’ya, arya o.k., arya now and forever’, transmitted over hundreds of years of Aryan(Indo-European) invasion, conquest, & assimilation coming out of central Asia. The key to Arya is Veda, Knowledge condensed in the end, Vedanta, as being that being A r(e) y’a y you’re; you, that point of view, of you being in the first place first person singular present ~A~wareness that that I am is is. In other word’z’a the key is y you’re; you mirrored in any mirror appearance y na you now (appearing) awhile, visible in time space merely a’s though’tsz duplicated a’s any yna body. Thus Y A’re; ya you or me remains still immutable immortal invisible indivisible individual first person present singular that I am is, is A re; Y you’re; you in the first place still being that timeless being. Putting aside history, genetics, DNA, being still that free standing being, realizing apprehending discerning picking up freedom of that means freedom now, freedom forever or arya y na you not, you denied y’ll d’na/denial – that A w(h)ile, that Aten binary deceit of memory allowing thought forms of past history chronologically stored on a loop now a’s too appear a re;y’al’l. Being still that free standing present singular attention that that I am is is case for a’re;joy’se’e’ng. In realizing that I am laughing or crying too, FREE FREE Free at last, thank God’A’y’all mighty that I am free freed freedom at last in the first place, Ay? Ar’ya?

The astonishing aspect of this code is its intrinsic pre-conceptual triple analogy of form, sound, and meaning inherent in the letters themselves, referring straight away to that reference we all in turn refer to ourselves as(A’s) y’all that I am capable of knowing, experiencing, imagining, as well as denying being.

Our modern Greco-Roman derivation of this code suffers from 3 missing keys yet through repetition of other keys, i.e.,F, U, V, W, & Y as well as C-G & I-J plus addition of Greek X partially compensates for this variation.

Primary missing key is Tsz, tzaddhi, key 17 the e star’e eht, the point of view, of you, the star’e gazing seer sight see’ng. The whole point of objectivity expressed letter’all y y’all seer conceiving conception in mere mirror sight reflected now awhile as though’tsz, as though that star’e gaze of that seer sight is now see’ng, now awhile a scene.

That’sz ABBC, a binary code; law – el a w/ – any mere mirror function y na you now duplicating by thinking as’z though’tsz appearing a pairing that invisible indivisible invincible individual; y : you;re-first abstract principal principle of one single singular singularity a y thing’ka’re thinker thinking thoughts out(x): [loud]{by opening mouth as organ of speech a sound means meaning ting k’a’ing,k’urving b’l’ack’g’round that point of view, of you a’s completely complete completion d”ark”n’ess’e; to be a’n’y per’ceived: per ce’e v’ed: per function, per way of eve(her – ma – mom’en’t’er”re’ing) by wave re y’a’sz memory; the or y of mind or y me or you. Thus X-seer’sight’m’en’t, X re’y vision is lightening striking the tower of power of literature in a p’eh’esse”y”en’ce psy’entific iconoclastic force tearing down structures of ancient custom and tradition in scarlet C-natural. Exciting, excitement, x known unknown death; nun, her way of kA’s mic memory overstanding over mind being that being understanding. Y as’z X’u’all{sexual y’all – es’x”y ba”by}.

A’ten* – 10: binary / 1 & 2;

1-A. being that being

2-B. in’g that being now seer sight see’ng/scene(single point of view, of you now awhile(time space) appearing a pairing y as’z x’es’t’ing a’s felt feeling field of view, of you, that seer sight see’ng/overstanding understanding that scene merely as’z though’tsz, that esse t(h)ing’k’a ‘ing (ting – assembly of thought a k’urving(occurring) now(time) around complete roles/rolls of d”ark’n’ess’e**

*A’s ‘alpha’,’aleph’, or ‘aten’ hieroglyphically three ‘letters’ -YTN + a figurative symbol re; first abstract principal principle, unity(you in(being) t((h)at) I y – y you’re; you, the center centered centrality point of view, of you, of y, of one thing – o ne t(h)ing’k’ing – ay’in nun ting k’urving – a y in(being be”am’ing) ne, na(not/d’na y’ll[function of function]/denial w/intent of intentional disregard of being that(tattwamasi-that I am) invisible indivisible individual, a re ya appearing a pairing in that way of eve(wave)re y function.

**Black bodhi -any mere mirror y na you now being that being to perceive, to wish, to think, to desire black b”lack’ing a’s k’as y’all y(causal y)bodhi being singular black whole w/intent of intentional disregard, ignore”a”n’ce, being that being now x(out) – un(a)known, appearing as’z though’tsz one known, one invisible indivisible subject now/time appearing awhile space a cunning crafty deceit of mirror duplicity ma re y g”round plan ‘et of EVE’ll, her will, wave function will, by power of that ignore’a’n”ce, black power of infinite potential w/intent, w/purpose per pose free standing status free freed freedom of the e star’e eht seer(one who sees) sight(psy’t x) see’ng blackness(being now as though’tsz ‘lack’ing something to be energy, urgency as too(two) appear to a pair y as’z ex by awakening / a’ten w/ak(h)en in g, in go go gravity of appearing (awhile only) to disappear, gravity of death, the weight of waiting awhile only to die // in da y light, that ka’s mic light 2-3% visible spectrum pie slice of visibility wave length, way of her length(m) 10-4 to 10-6, her color red to ultraviolet. The scale where hu’man a’s mind or y is 1m of visibility equals the head of a pin. In other word’z’a whatever is seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted or the complete visible universe is mere mirror PIN HEAD to our full black bodhi potential.