Her Black Mirror Sea(MERCY) of k’no no no’w’ing her, her way of eve re y bodhi.

Her, shree”k’ing Ma, Eve’re’y bodhi a’sz that Black Mirror Sea(MERCY) reflecting her eve’re’y where w/her e’a’sz’y any mirror y na you not now by k’no no no’w’ing,(eve’re’y bodhi) denying w/intent of intentional disregard of being be”am’ing that invisible indivisible individual being still merely(mirror-ly) appearing a pairing a’sz (though’tsz) of her, there the (Mr.)re; you’re; y’a’sz ka’li ma’sz ka’s mic memory me’m or y of me or you.

Thus what do you really know is why/y/you’re; k’no no no’w’ing merely(mirror-ly) at all y y’all, you denying w/intent in that black mirror sea(MERCY) bodhi, her mere(being nothing more or less than that awareness that that I am is is) seas(tender mercies) of (mem or y), that being now being’se’as’z z z’leep’in’g off a ledge of k’now(k’urving time)’in’g”round(Ma re’y g’round)(black g’round) by a’wakening(a’ten w/akhen – akhenaten – that awareness that I am is is) in MERCY(mirror sea quantum unified black(eve’re’y) bodhi field of potential view, of you as’z though’tsz n’word infinite potential to be able by re’ward(word)(MERCY) to appear in the first place ka’now’in’g awhile(k’urving time-space) around & around & around w/gravity weight waiting a’sz though’tsz to’o die still being that invisible indivisible individual.

Her black MERCY begins & ends w/you, w/y we all(wheel) turn away in the first place.