That’sz y wheel e turn all’y y’all turning around & around & around by appearing to disappear.

That’sz y we all e(the) in turn all’y y’all by pi’vo’ting will appear a’sz a pair, y as’z ex only then as’z z z’leep black into one un(a)consciousness, appearing to disappear.

That’sz y we’ll will e(the) turn’ing all’y y’all by pi, constant constantly computing, ccc, center centered centrality, vo[<L vo will] – vo’lition, will energy gravity of that which is willed or determined upon w/intent of any mirror y na you not now function(el’ition/I t(at)ion I that I am is is) y’ll d’na denial in y na you not now appearing a’s z extent of intentional disregard of being still(motionless indivisible invincible individual invisibility) by appearing a pairing as’z that y wheel(we all)(we’ll)(will) turning into any mere mirror y na’t’u’re(that u/you a’re)(you are as mirror reflection by will of mind or y(as though’tsz) memory of me or you, y you’re; you) of y we’ll e(the) turn all’y y’all into one x is tense.(x, unknown,(una, one known objectified) as though’tsz first person singular present tense that that I am is is – y that I am now ‘x’ is (that) tense(existence).

ABBC letter Ka(k’urve) code key 10, the Wheel(we all) of Fortune presents the world as we all(wheel) of fortune or mis(sed)fortune. This wheel being generated by her way of will, her, eve will or eve’ll.

Thus in appearing as too(two) turn or y spin out(x), in that we all(wheel) in man’as mind or y memory as’z though’tsz generate through the power y’ll d’na y, you not(you denied, you, the invisible indivisible individual with intent of intentional disregard of being that) now awhile(time space) appear to disappear by turning into roles/rolls of complete d”ark’ness. That completely complete completion(ccc) ark or k’urve’ing wheel(we all) turns her eve’re’y black bodhi into light of da’y.

Wheel(we all) of fortune combines the ideas of rotation, sequence, cyclicity, whirling(world’ing) motion, simultaneous ascent and descent(evolution involution – her way of eve’re’y bodhi will function(we all) or in being that will function(being indivisible invisible individual thus motionless still immortal) with the ideas of fortune, destiny, chance, fate, necessity, probability.

In other word’s’z z z the wheel(we all) appear as too(two) turn on out(x) of that motionless pivot point of view, of you ccc center centered centrality seer sight see’ng(scene – field of view, of you fielding that feeling, turning into her eve’re’y bodhi be”am’ing, of being alone). Appear by her way of eve’re’y bodhi will, her eve’ll(the wheel(we all) offers possibility of mere mirror duplicity of pairs of opposites(a pairing by turning rotating reflecting that eve’re’y bodhi in will(wheel/we all) of mind or y memory, ka’s(the k’urve, the d”ark, the cause) mic memory intelligence consciousness a’s z assembly or ting ka’ing(thinking) in memory of me or you, us or them, you or the whorl’d’ing beginning in birth ending in death.