Y scientist k’now realize apprehend discern thy(the y) being that invisible indivisible individual complete being still eve’n’a y you out(as’ex) now awhile as any mere y na invisible indivisible you not(denied) now by appearing a pairing in mere mind or y memory mirror as dopey dupe falling as though’t’sz walking off by knowing(k’no no no’w’ing) alleged ledge of k’now(time A k’urving(occurring a’s knowledge) around any mere mirror role, Phd or Dhp(dip head person) of complete d”ark(k’urve of now perceived) n’ess(e)(to be(now as’z though’tsz) of her ways of eve(waves) www- n/nun/ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness).

In other word’s’z any role or roll we all in turning(rolling around) play is by(being y) knowing(k’no no no’w’ing/denying still being that invisible indivisible individual complete being) now mere mirror being k’now(time a kurving/occurring) around rolls/roles of y appearing a pairing out as’ex(y as x – unknown/una known/one (k)now’in’g objectified)(y as’z x’panding spreading by x’planing flattening out rolls/roles of complete d”ark darkness(her eve’er’y bodhi, that complete black a’s y’all’s bodhi being to perceive by mere mirror being as’z though’tsz t(h)ing’k’ing reflecting her mercy(mirror see’ng) w/gravity of intent, weight of waiting intending to awaken only as too(two) fall back as’z z z’leep black into one un(a)consciousness or a’s too(two) play (in be”am’ing sound ways(waves) of her eve’re’y bodhi) in any mere mirror y na supersonic role superimposed by(being y) knowing(k’no(na) no(na) no(na)’w’ing)(be”am’ing)(her eve’re’y ‘black’ mirror sea(MERCY LOVE SUPREME) bodhi, her way of eve’re’y(wave re’y) function) any y na know’ledge(allegedly as’z too(two) appear falling in LOVE SUPREME bliss(her eve’re’y bodhi – ma’ss ma’re’y g”round ka’s mic mic’ro wave(way of eve) blackg’round) only as’z too(two) appearing hating now awhile duped by that A(a’ten binary) w(h)ile, that cunning crafty deceitful duplicity of (still being that invisible indivisible individual) (k)now(in’g) appearing a pairing in the first place. Thus any role, phd or dhp(dip head person) is mere mirror of y, y you’re; you (k)now(y na) w/intent of intentionally disregarding still being that invisible indivisible invincible complete individual.