Locked into mirror roles, loaded on chemicals we all wheel rolling around & around & around in complete d”ark’n’ess’e (to be now ‘n’ y eve”re y bodhi(her black re’y way of eve wave mirror function of reflecting reflection as’z though’tsz) being to perceive that complete ark k’urve)(beginning in word ending without a word) may still find realize discern pick up on being motionless immortal seer sight see’ng merely mirrored in be”am’ing as’z though’tsz of her eve”re’y bodhi w/intent of ignoring it by k’no no no’w’ing it.(any mere mirror y na you not now)(invisible indivisible individual now appearing a pairing in me or you memory)

Still you are it eve’n’a now locked & loaded, ready as’z too blast away anyone offering to reveal it.