by being y as ka’ing y(a’s k’urving y potential memory around complete roles/rolls of d”ark’n’ess(e)(to be to perceive her eve”re’y bodhi’s z z z’apping black electromagnetic mirror potential energy of any mirror y na you now as’z ex u’all body potentially appearing as’z z z’leep into one un(a)consciousness w/intent of ignoring being invisible indivisible individual by now appearing a pairing as’z though’t’sz being be”am’ing the’or’y of relativity w/that quantum(her’e eve”re’y body) loop y gravity weight waiting now as’z too(two) die or being born in man’as mind or y kA’s mic ka’s y’all(causal y) memory in word(in the beginning is word)(beginning inward memory of being now a mirror being)

What if intent reversed from ignoring being it to realizing being it?

WHAT IF intent reversed from ignoring being it now as one k’now’ing realizing realized being being it?

What if why(y) intent of intentionally disregarding being that invisible indivisible individual y you’re; you now(any mirror y na) as’z too(two) appear a pair y now as’ex’et’ing duplicating as’z though, as’z thoughtsz’a out were reversed into one y now discerning realizing picking up moment by moment(mom(eve) en’ting re”y’a’sz z z ting’k’ing) on being still invisible eve’n(a)(her’e invisible eve”re’y body) awhile(cunning crafty deadly duped duplicity of appearing in the first place) under in word spell(ing) as’z though’tsz for’ma’sz z that mere mirror deceit of beginning in word inward potential memory of being now awhile a mirror being(any appearance merely y na you not(denied as being that invisible indivisible individual) now out as’ex u’all(y’all as sexual) under quantum gravity weight waiting to die or to be born or as too(two) have sex.

What if why or y na not now when?