Super intent purpose of any mere knowing y you’re; you now as’z mirror x per i en c’ing understanding awhile still being that y per pose of overstanding overseer.

Super intent purpose of the function of sight in any mere(mirror y na) vision reflected reflection by(being y) y na you now(time) potential awhile(space) w/that super intent of intentional disregard still being invisible indivisible individual now black, being lack’ing w/in that gravity weight of waiting to begin ending by k’no no no’w’ing any mirror y na ting’k’ing(k’urving quantum potential ting’k’ing loops of complete d”ark’n’ess(e)) around still being that center centered centrality point of view, of you, of y now y’ll d’na(denial) appearing out as’z’ex now x’per i en c’ing x posing a’s’on purpose per pose of super seer.

Super intent of the y’all knowing, k’no no no”w’ing meaning wishing intending any mere mirror y na t(h)ing(anything) now y’ll d’na(denial) of the being that still invisible indivisible individual overseer overman super-seer now super imposed by the or y of man’as mind or y memory in word sight see’ng scene field of view, of you, of y now as’z though’tsz in word t(h)ing’k’ing of any mirror y na turning tings(assembly of thoughts for’ma’sz z z’apping sound ways of(waves) her mean(medium, method, instrument) her eve”re’y bodhi into appearing a pairing y you’re; you now as’z z z ex ‘eting anding e’vol’ving duplication by knowing(k’no no no’w’ing) any mere mirror y na you not(denied y’ll d’na) now for’ma’sz z z’awhile.