Why or y we all or y wheel turn as’z too, as’z two now into k’now’ing by k’urving now time around awhile space is quest that I am(question) as’ka’in’g y.

Why in the or y we all or we’ll turn into a ka’rmic ka’s mic ka’mic wheel now by k’now’ing funny’action function of any mirror y na you now t(h)ing’k’ing as’z too, as’z two, thinker k’now’ing as’z though’tsz now k’urving around awhile, a clever cunning dupey dope duplicating fool fooled by appearing a pairing in me or you memory y’ll(y we all) d’na(deny) still being invisible indivisible individual that I am is is as’ka’ing y in being y appearing still w/out question by any mere knowing y na.

Y denying that is as’z though’t’sz x per I in c’ing(experiencing) it by k’no no no’w’ing any or eve’re’y t(h)ing’k’ing way of function a’sz any mere mirror thoughts’z z z’apping a’cross that mirror divide.