is a manner of speaking in a way of revealing the hidden (veiled mom’ent after mom’ent by eve’nt horizon, imaginary dividing line between) alter native alternating naked singularity in the or y a being as’ex or by a being y still(indivisible imm’or’tal imm’or’tality) in any mere or y mind mirr’or y imagined image or y na, you now out as’ex’et’ting anding duplicating awhile, so to X speak x spectations of any x plane’ations , a’re’y’flecting a’re’y’flection in a being mere or y a’s now in word though’tsz of in the or y a being na, in the’or’y a being not, indivisible in’visibility of a being denied awhile in time space by k’no no no’wwwing information denying a being or y still indivisible in’visibility of any individual or y na now as’z though’t’sz of projecting me or you in word mem’or’y a’s ex’s ting by a being in the or y appearing a pairing in mirr’or y duplicate duplicity tricky (ma’sz trix) deceitfulness of a’w(h)ile(or y el wave function) in now(space in time) of in the’or’y as’z e’x’ u’all(sexual y’all) in the or y man(w/or w/out womb) as mind or y in word mem’or’y of me or you.

Thus in a manner of speaking, Y or Y speak is pointing out as’eX’posing a’sz y or y you’re; you now as though appearing out from a point of view, of you in the’or’y as’z ex, as ex un(a)known un(a)consciousness(a imm’or’tal indivisible in’visibility of any individual in plane sight) now awhile any un(a)(a)known consciousness, con of she to be us now eve’re’y or y a’na’y body appearing a pairing by k’now’ing(k’urving time(now)) around my’el'(mirr’or y in word mem’or y function) in’a’ting(ting’king-turning assembly a’sz though’tsz (myelinating/insulating) around any rolls or roles or y you’re; you now out(x) awhile(cunning con she us conscious deceit in space time of any mere or y mind mirr’or y na role) as x planed, flattened out awhile in ka’s mic ka’mic sheets’z of u(you) ni(na) verse, she, eve’n’a(ma) tsz(the eye star’e or y’eht) to be told by opening mouth(or’is) as too(now two+) release that tale super’son’ically by a being y or’ga(i)n of a na y or’di’na’r’y speech.

Why speak or y speak? Liberation*(freedom baby of ba being y) or y finding realization in a being or y by in word a’re’y’versal of a na y or’di’na’ry speech function of defining(by mere’or y mind mirr’or y denying k’no no no’www’ing out of it ) any x’plan’ation of any roll or role y na, y you’re you now, that indivisible invisibility of any individual appearing a pairing in a’na’y y na me or y you in word mem’or’y out(x) now awhile as’z though’tsz of a b’ng c’ng in word’s’z z z’spoken or y unspoken thoughtsz as’z too(two) define definite definitions or y in the’or’y of you now as’z any mere or y mirr’or y felt feeling neuronic-cellular bio electrical magnetic field of view, of you, or y na, you now as’z z z’apped fired and wired as’z’ex u’all(y’all) being’sz’z’en’ybody. a’Re’y’versal in that way of sound practice in the’or’y a’re’y’turning by a’re’y’membering(out x loud) moment by moment in word’all’y y’all embracing a y awareness or y you’re; you by speaking or y thinking in the or y why(y) speak in the first place. Why, why, why indeed or y as’z z zapping x’site’m’ent out of it in any or’di’na’ry sight.

Thus y’or y speak a dialectic practice or y logos in word logic in speech or y thought as’z antithesis synthesis to thesis or y proposition of a being potentially any mere or y mirr’or y man’as mind of a being or a y na(any)body of a y not(denied) now awhile out as’ex, a’s x’plan’ing flattening out(x) now awhile any mere or y mirr’or y quantum gravity(weight of waiting for’ma’sz death) rolls or roles or y now(na) disappeared in complete d”ark’ness complete arking k’urve eN’y’circlement a’s’z though a’sz thoughts in’formation for’ma’sz ka’s y’all(causal y) macro-micro ka’s mic ka’mic fun’ny’action function all’y y’all mem’or’y intelligence consciousness or a y eye a peering out in word intent w/na now appearing a pairing as’z’ex unknown un’ a y you potential k’now’in’g out of it a k’urving(occurring) na w/in gravity weight waiting to awaken now awhile or a y eye still being c’ng merely a peering out now or y mirr’or y potential or y na now turning into then a being too(two) falling as’z z z’leep b(l)ack into one un(a)consciousness A singular consciousness as’z’any mere or y mirr’or y na u’na you now or y potential awakening a’w/ak’h’en”in’g aten atenakhen y or y akhenaten.

Hence finding y you’re you now eve’re’y body(black invisible indivisibility of any individual quantum supersonic supernatural superimposed information in her’eye, o’re; y’a’ten binary by ‘d’na re’y for’ma’sz z z eve re’y or y an’y bodhi by a being y eye mere a peering or y eye mirr’ored out of a being c’ng y na or y you now out of it to perceive, to think, to wish, to desire) mere or y mirr’or y potential w/intent as’ka’s y’all(causal y)as’ ka’s mic in word mem’or’y intelligence consciousness mic’ro waving b’lack’g”round radiation quantum gravity weight waiting on now appearing awhile merely then disappearing still a being y’all along in a’na’y the or y that indivisible invisibility of any individual first su’personic person present singular singularity of that awareness that I am is is complete completely free freed freedom.

That’sz why speak y or y speak OR y na now deny yourself freedom, deny imm’or’tality by a being c’ng mere’or y now as’king of it or y k’no no no’www’ing out of it y’all in any mere or y mirr’or y na now a’sz x planing playing x posing in word all’y y’all a’sz roll or role or y, or you in her’eye’en’t’ing a’z z ja’z z y complete d”ark’n’ess(e) to be to perceive or y think of e’n y ark ar’e’y ka, a’sz ka’ing y appearing by being in the’or’y in word na’me mem’or’y alone(indivisible).

A y speak or y now awhile a’sz ka’ing y’or y(y asking y you’re; you) moment by moment or y by any mere or y mirr’or y na, or y now awhile(uncanny cunning cruel deceit in spacetime) appear to disappear lifetime after lifetime. That’sz’za free choice or y you’re; you or y na now still it is the only free thing’k’ing in the’or’y speak’in’g or y appearing now awhile under quantum gravity weight of waiting asz too, asz two dis’a’pair. 0 8 0 – one zero appearing a pairing in two by that singular twist of fate, faith, or family’all while still a being that singular one zero, a’ten. At aten’cion in the first place. Indivisible in’visibility.

Awaken aten. A’ten w/ak’h’en. Ak’h’en’aten. Aten being still in the first place. Pa’roo’ma.

*Liberation or a y eye in the a’re’y’al’eye’zation of it a peering now out of it as’z’any awareness of a being c’ng in word in formation now k’now’ing out of it y’all a y’ll D’NA a denial of it turning into or out of it y’all along, the only real purpose** as’z’z’any appearing by a pairing y’or y as’ex’s ting in formation of a being in the first place now out of it supernaturally s’z’any thoth’tsz of appearing the’n disappearing.

**Per pose of a y eye of a being freestanding still holding polarity in one hand awhile merely a peering from above in the other. Ove a b’ng still in the first place. Indivisible in’visibility.