Category: damusePage 2 of 10

A much to do about d’na thing

& what can be done?  A’s now a’s though(t) two do-ality in key 3 of ABBC, the letter D, Daleth, the Empress, the door.  That virgin High Priestess/Diana…

The Big Momma & Pappa

As far as we know, in actuality it seems there must be two to create one.  Other than that, in order to find that singularity, it seems we…

Ts dawning of Age of Aquarius,

the age of man’as mind bearing water / mem or y of that consciousness / awareness of whom we all(wheel) are turning into.  That, apparently is news to…

Questions I’d like to ask

OInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterO If you are just a bag of chemicals reacting to shit, how & why would you know that? If you were a machine, would you be able…

Adam & Eve

Z ending for Greco-Roman alphabeta is of course that story of our genesis, our beginning & going from the guard guard’n guardian(that Hermit)  of eden\/adon to that fool…

That pater mat(t)er & invisible mankind

NuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNuNu Even thinking in actuality that I am Wyly writing while reality of being that, that I am now reading this, means 1st person singularity in that case…

Is love real too in science ?

Of that I am wondering & wandering about love ‘n science ‘n science ‘n love a’s 2 being real & integral in that one awareness that I am…

….on writing being that.

Into that predominate state of being creation without birth, that which seems to disappear without suffering destruction, that some one thing already always here, imperishable, permanent in the…

…..on suffering

Why do we suffer? We may find that, in actuality, suffering is key in feeling that root transfer from being singular nominative to plural objective. Suffering a’s bridge…

On being theoretical

Am I that theoretical? Being that I am speculating means that, even in actuality,  I have potential to realize that, that I am. Being that I am engaged…