Category: damusePage 5 of 10

Big I & little i

Big I little i = Be i gee el i tautau el eya. = Bi guy el it tel i = eya\/eye lit bi guy til Or i…

That proper frame of reference

might be that I am predisposed to learn about ‘how much’ in simultaneity w/ being that ‘of such’ a one to determine that.

Of that relativity

that ‘everyone everywhere agreement’ that zero velocity of that that I am considering may be that centrality of singularity is that that I am, that I am searching…

Einstein =

E = in sta e in = i\/I n’ding es\/se tau(t) eya n”ding = I n’ding being taut I am n’ding a’s E = mc2 or\/ro em c’ing…

A’s of such how much ?

That question of ‘how much’, quantus is ‘of such’, qualus, that I am predisposed to learn about it a’s such that it is or not.

Cain(t) & Able & ‘just deserts’

In that Genesis story, Cain kills brother Able. Why? Word is Cain says I can. That potential \/ potisesse – that able ability to be = I able…

Gamma letter beta

being ‘ go am ma let her b e t a = go am I letting her b t(aut) a’s eya\/that I am is\/am I let’ting her go…

Parting the re(a)d c

Seeing that a’s part’ing en name es re a d’ing 2 divide that see’ing a’s seer 2 seeing a part in that play of ten often oft enseeeeeeeeeeeeee’ing…

The promise a’s time goes by

The promise Tau(t) hey eya pe ro em is eya pe ro\/pa roo em is eya. Tat tat tat tut tut tut that sacred place pa’roo em or…

C’ing from w/in w/out gee’s us

a’s zee ess tory tora y x zee ? tat tat tat the taut or\/ro orro el y bi zee ray t’ing zee ro gggggggggggggggggggggg’ooooooooooooooooooo’in gggggggggggggg’s u u…