Category: damusePage 7 of 10

Four fathers’ & the wall

a’s plane a’s day da y  da   e y a ‘sse eve re build’ng  ng ng building re quires a’s 4 walls’ 4 cue bic spa  …


a’s Al i\/I eya n’dng dng  dng   a’s waving ing ign o o  o re ‘ng    

Mountain & moel hill

Too see the mountain a’s moe el hill a’s hey i\/I ll step back step black then you may find in un\/nuun\/nu that that that I am is…

Now know ?

How long does it take to read a book on Now knowing a’s ka now?

A bridge for some bridge ?

Beta the tau be taut a’s       ta bet a ta hay eya the taut a

Keys too the city

Ka eya es\/se taut eya the c’ee iota ta ta ta eya c’ee iota ayin ta ta ta ta ta eya c’ee iota ayin ta ta ta ta…

Atomic spectrum emission

That mission eya at o em i\/I see esse peh ka ta re emme e eya emma i\/I esse i\/I on\/no am\/ma

Geo metrics

Gee gee  gee   gee    o     o      o     o    o   o  o oo emme meem trics ta re i\/I…


A ce’e’ng ng ng e eya @@@ ####  $$$$$   %%%%(((abAca)))%%%%   $$$$$  #### @@@

R U bugged ?

Re vow be ta vow gaga eya door\/do’er ? Re vow el ver esse ta be gaga vow eya door\/do’er ? Re vow el ver esse the taut…