Category: damusePage 8 of 10

R U wired ?

Wen i\/I re ed Wen a’s y I re ed re eya da let h’ay y a’s 2 that that that I am I read re eya da…

Mis’s Conception

a’s da winner in the contest the ka un\/nu test a’s da wen I nana eya ro ro ro da go go go we may find da state…

Love too is real?

love too ‘s s’re a el lo ve’e esse ta oo oo oo re ally ya el o ayin vowvowvow e eya isreal?

The abandonment of mother & child

a’s the taut eya esse a’s b’ng ng ng a un\/nu day da y eya un\/nu em eya un\/nu eya vau em eya the taut hay eya er\/re…


esse the taut u vow vow a’s the vow  vow   vow of\/fo the ka now  ka now    ka  ka   ka   ka now ng ng…


double u esse auvvua bridge (((((((((K))))))))) a’s too being sa a’s being esse crossing too y ex zee ‘ esse ta re ta

That gain or loss in consciousness

of ka s’he on\/na esse a’s uc\/cu be in of from 4 ma th ‘at that that I am is a’s isa sa\/as too being of such a’s…

That hair today

we may arrange all all around us from hair too toe from here to eya but since we slew a’s esse el e wen our brother our ba…

Devil in the blew dress

Devil is D’na eve’ll(transience) as wandering / wondering eye denying denied denial(k’no no  no’www’ng) of that permanence of that I am,  giving lie to that eternal indivisible in’visibility…

The esse essay

too capture in 500 word’s wor da esses or less el essesses that that we caint cain ta seem to know ka now a’s too contain ourselves in…