Category: UncategorizedPage 10 of 37

Blackness of Being

is asz y to(o) being(sz) w/out(x)(black/b’ng lack’ing (e)n y ess(e)(to be). Thus that ‘black’ bodhi is being to perceive b'(ng) lack(ing) asz great go(a)d of  b’ka’s(b(ng)cause) y/you being(in)…

A men

brother sister asz we all(wheel) turn churn y’urn & burn on & on & on w/out(x) realizing y y  y remember ‘legs lead to eggs’. A men to…

Liberation While Living

  Y y  y the weight of waiting???????????  Liberation in(being be”am’ing) y’all ways of eve(waves) re y mere(mirror) function functioning now (no w = na y = y…


Me(m or y) (e)l(go(a)d/energy) aton(that awareness that I am is is) in(being be”am’ing) In other word(sz) that(awareness) asz mind’or y(memory) is energy merely(mirror’ly) being(appearing/a pairing) being y’all that…

That Inward Way

is the way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) being being any an y y na bodhi is eve re y bodhi in word that that I am is is.  Am…

World Beyond Place

Th(e) World = ABBC key 21 -Th(e) wor(l)d asz m’ark th(at) k’urve’y k’urge(el)(cause el/universal go(a)d-go(a)l”d’en bodhi) of m(em or y/me or you) ‘ark(a’re ka) of thoth(tsz)(great go(a)d of…

A My Plan’et Ear’th

A – ABBC(alphabeta binary code) – key 0 – numeral value 1 = binary(a(A) pair”ance(appearance))((bi/by/being y na r(e) y = being merely(mirror’ly) being(appearing)(in, of, asz, for, etc.) any//an…

Y That Endless Vastness

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xxxxxxxxxxX0Xxxxxxxxx<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< is asz too(two/twy’is’t/x) being being = v(av)-ABBC key 5-repeated 5 times(f, u, v, w, y) in ‘modern’ Greco-Roman alphabeta- as t((h)at) n(un)(wwwwwwwwwww’ay of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function ess(e) (as too(two)…

An Awareness

is a(A) n.  N = ABBC Hieroglyphic Hieratic Hebraic Phonetic Greco-Roman Binary Letter Code key 13 Nun, pronounced ‘noon’ & asz a noun(name) means ‘fish'(((e)f’ish = w/key 5-vau/vow…

Arrogance of Ignore-ance

In(being be”am’ing) that ignore-ance, that intentional disregard of the indivisibility of the individual that i am is is requires varying degrees of arrogance or presumption of assuming appearance/a…