Category: UncategorizedPage 12 of 37

Money Honey

~~~@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>>>>>>o0o<<<<<<$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@@~~~ M. . . . . . .memory// ’em man’as mind’or y//y’or mind merely(mirror’ly) that invisible indivisible individual awareness asz too(two) appearing//a pair’ing inward in word under that spell(ing)…

My Na Craft

thatsz my/memory/mem man’as mind’or y/y’or mind’or y na me now k’nowing out(x) merely(mirror’ly) any any ANY an y y na no’ w/craft crafting cruising in(being be”am’ing) that singing…

Event Horizon

asz nexus link linking(asz thoth(tsz) asz though(t)) that quantum(quantity of how much) w/ qualus(quality of such eve’r(e) indivisible) that  that I am is, is beyond an y y…

Y What You Mean

reading this by staring in word w/intent to apprehend meaning/purpose per pose of that stare? Y(instrumental case of) what, for what cause, purpose, or reason you mean to…

Heart-Brain Wave Frequency

asz hey hey HEY y’all art(being) bra(hm)in/reality w/way of eve(wave) re y heart felt feeling being alone still free freed FREEDOM Q u/you es(se-being) tion(t(h)at) i\/I on\/am) (QUESTION) c’er c’ing c’n/c C…

A Where N’ess(e) Is

is that unbroken ‘A”post”olic succession letter’ally right before (h)our(time/t((h)at) ime-i\/I me\/em ‘that I am’) eyes. Thatz y ABBC AlphaBetaBinaryCode is triple(3) analogy w/primary function asz mere(mirror) symbolic form ‘asz nexus…

Practice Makes Perfect

in(being) that practice asz to(two) make/ma’sszz z  z ke use/you-y asz of that habit(hay hey HEY being/be”am’ing it) of intent of intentionally disregarding realizing discerning picking up on mere(mirror)…


reveals the tail of that snake always followed inward(word) by u/y/you piercing that e(iya)’turn(ing)’al(l) o o  o(h) egg’sz’pe(h)c’tation(c/see i\/I aton) of energy/en y erg x pressed in sound…

(Un)Crossing the Rube-Icon

In that ‘unfolding’, that opening up, (re)evolutionary explanation~~~{{{{{planing/’flattening’ out the ‘folds’ of neo cortex wrapping around & around asz that ma’gic carpet of neurons covering the ‘old’ primary…

Y That Frequency

of X-psy’t’m’ent of seer sight seeing out(x) y Mr. re pe(h)tition in(being be”am’ing) free free fre(e)que’nt occurrence(((o o  o kurving around in(being be”am’ing) complete circles))) of eve”en’ting.  That’z…