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That ~A~’ten”dency for Ma’sszz For’m(a)less’ness

asz that forMa’sszz y’all ka’s all ‘black’ bodhi being to perceive a na y ‘ting’//p’ing’ing that x(unknown) by mere(mirror) function being being free freed freedom now k’no no…

That Divine Function of Y’all

in mere(mirror) being being tangible instantaneously asz a na y sense of touch touching that sacred immortal untouched immortality now k’no no no’wing(denying) asz ka’ing/k’urving y y ka’m’ing…

Touching That Back g”round

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(((((>>><<<)))))<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In(being) that way of eve(wave) re y sense function of mere(mirror) touch by feeling/fielding that field of view/you/y potential forma’sszz z  z contact w/tact of discretion of…

Go'(a)d of Y Eve’ll

~~~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$eve re y z z  z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~ In that way of eve’ll(wave will) re y asz an y(y na) bodhi plays out(x) on that same roll/role of y we…

Common Design

That design is dhi sight’n any bodhi. . . . . . .!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Y y Y y Y y(y you’re; you) Y is asz x ka’ing y an a…

Sun of the Great Go(a)d

~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@ka’s.c’mon&&&&&&&&&????????????~~~~~ is c’mon ka’s(cause) forma’sszz z   z y x tinction of that tincture[ < L tinctura a dyeing ] out(x) of that ‘green’ light of (h)our(time) ka man//c’mon sun…

What is reason for reason being reason?

Potential paradox of Mr. re;y ‘why a blind calf chases its tail?’  It seems objective would be to try and catch that which a blind calf could never…

pow pow POWER ove eL

eL ove OXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXO goad of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi~~~}}}}LOVE SUPREME{{{{~~~y’all mimicking that ka’s mic mic ro\/or wave back g’round of that kamic ma re y z z  z…

Y’all thatz Ja’zz

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!z z  z                                                  …

Wealth or Poverty

are pair of opposites attributed to Kaph/K’ay, k’ey 10(a ten), the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ of ABBC, Aryan Hebraic Hieroglyphic Phonetic Greco-Roman Native binary letter code.  Kaph, ka’s ph(i)…