Category: UncategorizedPage 16 of 37

H”ear’th plan et

that plan[< MF < OF, plane < L planum l’eve’l g’round < planus flat] of any x plane’ing spreading out(x) of any complete roll/role of d”ark of pi covenant ratio forma’sszz z  z…

That Conspiracy of Energy

in that extreme energy//en y erge/urge/go(a)d asz too(two twa twy’ee’n’ing) ka’an eSzpir(y’all)’ing [[[< L conspirare < com-together + spirare to breath]]] asz breath breathed breathing in(h)all’at’i’on ex'(h)’all’at’i’on in(being) out(x) by(((being you)))…

That Void

ooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000000ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cannot be reached w/out(x) being y(by) that full fullness that I am is is hermes ignored asz thoth(tsz) that I am any mere(mirror) reflected reflection asz an…

Shape of U

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu0x8x0uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu forma’sszz z  z u/you ni verse, that still freestanding stare y tsz y ni”in now k’now’en y x pressed in type of word(sz) on sheet(sz) of a…

On that V”erge

““““““““““““““““““““`_______________V______________“““““““““““““““` .                                                    …

What is so amusing

~~~~~~~~~~~?!?!?!?!?!?wwwwwwwwywwwwwww?!?!?!?!?!?~~~~~~~~~~~       Asz too(two) what extent of a na y intent of intentional forma’sszz z  z what reason is why. Why is by what means intent…

A voiding facing chaos

In being being a be c’ng gaining creation, asz function or state/status of mere(mirror) being being z z  z y x is tsz asz y x’eting asz thoth(tsz)…

Here’ing Adon Ay

Here(n.) this first place in(being be”am’ing) this first time/now here(adv.) in, at, or about this first place in being being now k’now’ing this first time asz that eve’re y z…

Ka’s mic Back’g”round Re y’diation

Asz that long, long, looooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg mean w(h)ile echoing kamic ka’s mic ka’s all bodhi b(l)ack g’ g’   g”round & around & around in ka’s all complete role/roll…

Y A Void’ing the Observer?

~~~~~~~~???????????????????????c’erce’ingceng???????????????????????~~~~~~~~   ForMa’ing a long, long, loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggg a mean(ordinary) w(h)ile we’ve(we”eve re y now & the en y t(h)ing’k’ing asz thoth(tsz) intentionally disregarded/ignored that that I am is…