Category: UncategorizedPage 17 of 37

Y z’a’x k(a)’ing y na

~~~~~~~~????????????????????????y na a na y ting??????????????????????~~~~~~~~ Y z dom(us) I’ll((({{  I will = y will = y we’ll/wheel e(iya) turn’ity}}))) in(being) asz y a’x ka’ing y question’ing y…

That Miracle In Plane Site

Out(x) of complete d”ark’ness/en y roll’ment now k’now”en y asz y x plane’ing/spreading out(x) forma’ing a w(h)ile of eve re y z fun’ction in(being) mere(mirror) being being standing/status/state…

Get Out of Jail Free

wwwwwwwwwwww}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}xXx{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{wwwwwwwwwww Getting out (x) of confinement of a na y roll/role in(be”ing) ka’s all bodhi being to perceive, to think, to desire is e z y as’z a x…

Getting to the point of that stare y

is merely(mirror’ly) now k’now’ing realization that thoth(tsz) of a na y t(h)ing’k’ing reflect/duplicate that that I am in seer seeing see’ng/scene of the Mr. re point of view/you/y…

That Stare’ Way of H”eve’n

asz z  z’leep’ing into deep sea of LOVE SUPREME in that foolishly y z z  z fall’ing x(out) off a ledge’d’ly now k’now’en asz k’now’ledge z z  z’ing y x’et’ing/anding/duplicating…

Y Ignore”ance

isz y x’s tense as y we’ll(wheel) turn in e(iya) turn’ity now k’now’ing it asz d’na y’ll/ignore-ance/intentional disregard of z y x istsz. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>z y x’stense<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    …

Pater of That Reign of Yod

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+y Y y+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Q’oph/Q, key 18 of ABBC, that Aryan Phonetic Hebraic Hieroglyphic Greco-Roman alphabeta binary letter code means ‘back of the head’.  Thus Q precedes R/re’sh, head…

Asz’leep’ing Off That A’ledge’d’ly K’now’en

in(being) y complete d”ark’ness/eN-roll’ment bliss LOVE SUPREME a’x ka’ing y z x’et’ing/(h)and’ing/duplicating out(x) z y in(being) memory/me or you in(being) a na y role/roll of infinite potential forMa’ing now…

It’s Fun’ny That Way

that way of eve(wave) re y fun”ny'(a)ction/function in(being) mere(mirror) mirage’ing(mirror’age’ing) that ‘ka”man’as mind’or y asz y x(out) ka’s’ing(causing) y ka’aman memory in(being) ka mic ka’s mic k’armic ka’s…

Flesh Drive

Flash . . . in(be(ing)) as ka’ing y that single singular hermetic stare y now k’now’ing z y x(out)is tsz as thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing in(being) opposition as too(two/twa/twy/twin(e)’ing) being(s)…