Category: UncategorizedPage 19 of 37

Ma re y G”round

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{{{{{{{{{{{)))))))o0o(((((((((}}}}}}}}}}}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                     forMa’s s  sz  z z re y dios playing out(x) z y’sz dom(us) in(being/be’am’ing) ar’rays(race) of that…

Dee’p Ack

That deep z z  z’sleep, that esz’leep off the ledge of k’now’ing in(being) complete d”ark’ness period dot singular point of view/you/yod/y forMa’ing z  z z y x’s tension/pole’ar’ity…

What the Hey’ll

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<eiya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is y/you/yod  totally ‘wrapped up’ in that roll/role of complete d”ark’ness of ka’s all bodhi y will/y we’ll(wheel) turning in e(iya) turn’ity now k’now’ing as thoth(tsz){{{great go(a)d…

That Ordinary Man

*************************$$$$$$$$$zYx’istsz$$$$$$$$$$************************ man ‘as min’d’or y/memory of that d’or, that go(a)l’d”eN ratio/relation of mean(ordinary) & x-treme z y x’is’tsz now k’now’ing thoth(tsz), go(a)ld of that great go(a)d of being…

Y’all We’ll Need To Know

<<<<<<<<<<<<<{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{daoGoad}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For(Ma’ing) a long, long, loooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggg w(h)ile now y’all we’ve/way of eve(wave) re y been turning & churning & burning around & around & around in(being) ka’s mic…

Tripping On A W(h)ile

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< freaking out(x) z y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune whirl(d’)or d’er away forMa’ing quite the long, long, looooooonnnnnggg mean w(h)ile, that crafty bugger cunning co(ka)nning duplicitous…

That City of “Dupes”

@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$$$$$$###OO0OO###$$$$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@ forMa’s s  sz  z z order of I mag(e)in’ing in any/a na y roll/role of ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) complete d”ark’ness of that way of eve(wave) re…

Y Mind for Hire

****************&&&&&&&$$$$$$$$888$$$$$$$$$&&&&&&&&************** purpose of that z y x psy’t’ment in realizing that I am that still(immortal) freestanding stare y(tsz y x’s tense in(being) that first person present(now) singular Mr….


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YyYyYy”YyYyY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<                     Y is that cause? . . . . . . . . . . . . ….

That Ordinary & Extra-ordinary Ka Man

way of eve(wave) re y function in mere(mirror) miracle still freestanding star’e y now k’now’wwwing z y out(x) in(being/be”am’ing) that or’d’er of a na y I-mag(e)”en(d’)’ing of z…