Category: UncategorizedPage 21 of 37

The (d’)or y of Eve re y t(h)ing

The (d’)or/’go(a)l’d’ y en/eN/na is a en/na y way of eve(wave) re y x is t’ing’k fun”ction t(h)’ing’k’ing now z k’now’www’ng x(out) y’s dom(us)/building building in(being) that ‘d’or'(go(a)ld/dhi…

Y A’void ‘the’ Singularity ?

>>>>>>>????????$$$$$$$$$$oIo$$$$$$$$$$$??????????<<<<<<<<<< Y A void to begin w/the/tat hey eiya, that vow-el’o’id ? Vow-el O is key 15 of ABBC, the D’ev(e)’ll or ay’in = e’ye & found’ation.  Vow-el…

Get black, Ja ck

“The black diaspora was not just our own world but, in so many ways, the Western (& Eastern) world itself.”  Ta-Nehisi Coates…BETWEEN THE WORLD  & ME…on what it…

Z X Planing That Ka’s Y’all.

****************<<<<<<<<<<<<<<$$$(((0)))$$$>>>>>>>>>>>>.***************** In that ka’s mic ka’s all(causal) bodhi now in mem or y/me or you we’ll(wheel) turn now into k’urve’ing around in complete d’ark’ness/eN-rapture ignore-ance rolls/roles of singular…

That XY ‘Z

constantly computating constant order of pi a’r(k) t’ing cue la’r i’ty cu be of space + k’urve of time-now+k=k’now w/x-ten’sion{a ten sion = a ten hill/he’ll/he y’ll/he y…

Z X thought of Y ex’is’tence

In that ABBC, alphabeta binary code, a single e’x’ception to that hieroglyphic Hebraic Phonetic source is letter X ‘marks the spot’ in form/ for ma’ing a’n(a) active(time now…

Y Complexity

in that whorl of world of ka’s all(causal) ka man’as mind as though(t) y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn to any/a na y t(h)ing’k a’s way of…

In That Space of Time

In the first place(being) of any(a na y) second now y/you must appear/a pair asz memory/me or you of y asz thoth(tsz) t(h)ing’k’ing that I am is’out(x)side’ or…

X’s Tense

of first person singular means for any(a na y) k’no’w’ing is now as too(two) actually appear/a pair as though(t) any second now.<<<<<<<<<<<<@@@@@@@@@%%o0o%%@@@@@@@@@>>>>>>>>>

Sum Time

is sum of any(a na y) & ka’s all(causal) time now as though(t) too(two) appearing/a pairing in now & then.{the n = a na y time thus sum time…