Category: UncategorizedPage 22 of 37

(H)our X’s Tense

is no’w appearance/a pair’ance as too(two) resist as though(t) being alone(extraordinarily singular) in that ka’s all(causal) bodhi way of eve(wave) re y function in mere(mirror) ignore-ance in complete…

That Y/you A’re Singularity

is, well, singular now(na’wwww’w’ay of eve(wave) re y t'(h)ing(t’ing=assembly as thought for ma) that includes y’all eve’n(a) a’s memory of being other y’s for any(a na y) you’se(se=sa…

A Star’e ‘light’

form/for ma’s(s) energy/en(na-ma) erg(urge) y or ma’s(s) urge of y(infinite potential of y & y na/a na y t'(h)ing) or ma re y way of eve(wave) re y…

That Star’t’ing Point of View/You

as sum indivisible t(h)’ing appearing/a pair’ing as though(t) in any/a na y a k’urv’ing/occurring t(h)ing’k’ing be(ing) ka’s(k’urge/k’urve) all(causal) bodhi(being to perceive) of y’all{that as though(t) ‘black'(due to complete…

Y We’ll(wheel) Go Round & Round

~~~~@@@@@@@@$$$$$$$$%%%aAa%%%$$$$$$$$$@@@@@@@@~~~~ “Why is it what it is? & Why is it at all?”….M. Bojowald, A Whole Story of the Universe It, the w(h)orl'(d) at large & small must…

Free Willie & the space man

Willie will hey remember will he y remember a wile going growing up in the 50’s  era of early t. v. invasion’s that he y found that space…

That Still Free Star’e’ing Mr. re Point of View/You/Y

  ++++++++++***********$$$$$$$$$o0o$$$$$$$$************+++++++++++ Eve’n(a) y for a long long wile, plan et earth/ei’ya ar th(at), that cunning  y mirage(mirror’age) deception eve’r(e) continues as any(a na y) ka’s mic thought…

The Mr. re y Dios(Go’d) of Complete En’rapture

<<<<<<<@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!{{{{{aAt}}}}}!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@>>>>>>> In that ka’s mic Mr. re y dios still of free standing(status) Mr. re point of view/you/y now as though(t) po’l’ar Mr. re y in a na…

Ana logos

That I am, as food (ana) for thought, analogous in all being as that will(we’ll/wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) turning hidden in y’all being(s), which does not appear/a…

D’ Ark’ness of the Covenant

    In that sacred covenant/agreement/accord/a chord in the or y/mem(man’as mind) or y/you as though(t) X’s tense of first person in the first place move(ove m/man’as mind)…