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X’s Tense of A’nything’k

*********<<<<<<<<<$$$$$$$${{{{{{{{yYy}}}}}}}$$$$$$$$$>>>>>>>>>********* At tension of apparent/a pair’ent resistance between x & y, that unknown k’no’w’er/thing’k’er & any(a na y) k’no’www’ng in any(a na y)thing’k’ing, we’ll(wheel)of fortune & mis(sed)fortune turn…

A’spir(‘al) To Al(l) Awakening

In spir'(al)’ation of y being Mr. re point of y’all y’ll/y will/y we’ll(wheel) turn as though(t) in d’na y’all as eve’n(a) y’ll standing(unchanging) still(immortal).  Now in spiral/spiri’tual(spiral’ing y’all)…

Ka’s of Any Thing’k

~~~~~~~~~~++++++++$$$$$@@@o0o@@@$$$$$++++++++~~~~~~~~~~ Ka’s y’all ‘m’/mem’or’ize body/bo dhi/being to perceive in finite potential(able to be ‘finit’ing’/ en’d’ing/(k)no’wwww’ng) we’ll(wheel) turn in that k’no’wwwwww’ng/projecting on a ka’ph/curve in sound ways of eve(waves)…

A’s Fool @ L’edge of K’no’w

ABBC, that 3-D picture book based on esoteric know’ledge n’coded in 22 Hieroglyphic-Hebraic letters key to modern 26 Greco-Roman letters begins naturally w/a A.  A’s pictured a’s young…

In Hear’ing (k)’No’w

H’earing(here’ng) (k)’no’w in that sound way of(wave) y substantiates being here(h’ear’ng) (k)no’w, in a na y (k)no’wwwww’ng of hear’ing/here’ing. Y’all hear(here)’ing knowing is in present tense, at tension…

K’no’www’ng Now

Perhaps all knowing is of y THAT thought of y that original sum thing’k(a) in ka’s mic man’as mind signaling the beginning of that y N’d’ing in y’all k’no’wwww’ng (k)no’w’ wwwwww.  That quest’ion is…

K(a)’ing’dom(us) Above

A’s a-fool(a’lph’a’oo’l) in a’s k(a)’ing'(dom(us)/building/house) y we’ll(wheel of fortune & mis(sed)fortune) as though(t) appear/a pair as too(two) re-turn to descend from above(‘ove ab/father/dhi sire/sideris/star’e(y)/stand(ing) still(immortal) thru center centered…

Y Being Alone

is known in any & y’all knowing in any thought of any(a na y)thing’k.  That singular/indivisible being alone is y/you.  Y/yod/you is(singular) the only knower.      …

A Na Y W(h)orl’d’ing

is in’spire’ation, of that as any(a na y)thing’k ‘moving'(spiraling in that simple(mere/mirror see’ng) twist of fate) as thought increasing or decreasing in distance(dhi stance/standing/star’ing) from still(changeless) center Mr. re point…

Ka’s MIC Y’ll Going Round

as though(t) that, we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed)fortune appear in ‘sliver’ of light to turn y’all y’ll standing/star’e/y’ing still(immortal) as timeless observer observing observation/seer see’ng/scene psy’ing  psy’t in y…