Category: UncategorizedPage 24 of 37

Y Sliver of Da y Light

The scale of visible light to that invisible when taken in relation to human body equivalent to head of a pin needle in a ‘hey’stack.  In that ‘sliver’…

N-circlement of A Na Y Thing’k’ing

is complete potential d’ark’ness(N’circle’ment of deep sleep/un/a na y consciousness) of a na y thing’k(a)’ing as eve’re thing’k is N’tire’ty of B’ng ginning/gaining/’picking up’ y N(a)’ding y’all y’ll…

Any You’s in Other Y’s?


Awakening in Being Alone

A na y thing’k in awakening/a way of(wave) y k’en’ing/k’no’wwwwwww’ng/projecting d’na y’ll still(immortal) b’ng that awareness alone is y infinite potential may appear w/standing/resisting as b’ng other(na sa me) y’s….

A Na Y Light N’ment

A na y light appears out of y as though(t) Mr. re of complete darkness, dhi ‘ark’ness, dhi/ as too(two) d’o’ing in d’o’ality(‘o’-ality = appearance/a pair’ence of a…

Be Mindful

of feeling of being alone as that realization of our immortality in a wor(l)d traveling @ speed of N’light’n’ment. ?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\/\/\/\/VoW\/\/\/\/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? of Death

is dhi na y’ing y’all as cover in a na y thing’k(a)’ing/I-magining other y’s appearing/a pairing to disappear y’all y’ll still(immortal) in mere(mirror) w/standing/star’ing in reflection/resistance as though(t)…

N Light of Da’y

Y N(a) light or a na y(any) light includes visible & invisible wave(way of)y length from K(a)/curve N’ding to K(a)/curveN’d’ing in circular wave(way of) y beginning in a…

Upside to Being Down

In that way of(wave) y function in mere(mirror) see’ng is upside down & in re-verse.  Thus sa me(m or y) is as though(t) different na me.  The ineffable…

Experiment of Experience

In that direct way of eve(wave)re y we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) re-experience that sum(sa me(m or y/me or you) thing as infinite potential Mr. re of going…