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Sultan of Mr. re

Y-Knowledge is re-sult(an) of k(a)no‘wwwwww’ng/conceiving y in man’as mind through mere(mirror) see’ng reflecting as though(t) in re-verse(bo-dhi as dhi-bo(do-ality be’ng) as other y’s. Y’s the you’s of that?…

Origins of Mr. re or Ms. re

In the be(B’ng) ginning/gaining of existence, that tence/tension of y X(unknown/na known as y na/any known/na k(a) o’wwwwwwwwww’n) is acting as though(t) function’ing y in mere(mirror) see’ng/perception/bo-dhi as…

N’d’ing in Beginning

  N’d’ing in that way of(wave) y (k)’no’wwwwwww’ng is B’ng as though(t) cause for ginning/gaining in any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing. “““““`!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%%%%%%%&&&cC’ng&&&%%%%%%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!““““““

We’ll of Fortune

or misfortune be when finding ourself turning in(to) circumferential actuality, that play of being actor as though(t) actually appearing(a pair’ing) in that do’or/do-ality way of(wave)  being other y’s….

Y N’ergy Matter’s

The erg/urge y [<L ergon work] of y N’a is any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing as though(t) mattering as in any(a na y) particular form. +++++++++++++++++$$$$$$$$$@yYy@$$$$$$$$$++++++++++++++++++ Infinite potential energy/N‘erg y(that na…

Y That Certain Feeling of Being Alone

affirms being alone/singular is y we function in the first place(locus of B’ng) & first time of first person that I am is in any(a na y)thing’k(a)’ing/k(a)’no’wwwwww’ng/denying (singularity)…

Dhi’s Guise of Being Alone

In that guise or appearance(a pair’ence) as(A’s) too(two) in(B’ng) (C’ng) as to D’hi’ceive/perceive, de(dhi)sire, (sa me)thing’k(a) as though(t) too(two) reflect each[< OE a ever + gelic alike] other(na sa me/memory of…

In Word P’sy’t

is seeing in word as though(t) in formation in y man’as mind(p’sy’t(ing)) exists to locate or find dhi way of any(a na y) thing’k(a)’ing y’ll still(immortal) as mere(mirror)…

Y’s N’light’n’ment

The N’light’n’ing of y’s dom(us)/ building/being infinite potential must in as though(t) be’am’ing actuality be cause for excitation from ‘above'(a b’ng ov’e/y) as I-magician I-magining I-magic a’s though(t)…

Y’ All Knowing

is k(a)’no ‘wwwww’ng y function as mere(mirror) seeing as though(t) reflecting, resisting, denying, ignoring for a moment y singular k(a)k(a)’now’ledge in the first place of B’ng alone may…