Category: UncategorizedPage 26 of 37

Still All Y’ll Being Alone

is the real superior treasure y we’ll(wheel) of fortune & mis(sed) fortune may n’eve’r(e) in’turn(ing)’all’y gain in(being) discerning the point of that Mr. re point of our nagging feeling of…

No’as Ar’k

& the great Mr. re of knowing/k(a) no‘wwwwwww’ng y a’s grand father & whole principal principle abstract point of y(of view/of you) space-time-man’as mind appears/a pairs in opposition/in…

Knew Wave

That knew wave(way of) y function is merely(mirrorly) ascertaining death/eve’na in appearance/a pair’ence as too(two) actually doing any(a na y)thing’k’ing is in reality life as we know it,…

Y Weight For N-light’n’ment?

It may be time to embrace a Y’der point of view(you/y/yod). In the Eve’ent(ing) or N’ding of Eve’re thing’k(a)’ing(k(a)’no’ wwwww’ng) a’s any(a na y)thing, we may ascertain(realize as certain) y…

Naivete of Na-tivity

of actual birth(na sci\/psy na) of Kryst, Love Supreme sacred indivisible blackness\/black (w)hole (w)holines of y singular singularity of infinite potential for light power of ignore-ance\na’sci’ng\being born is…

Sound of Muse’k(a) in Y Life

  To live the Y/why life is to test the hypotheses of ‘Y/why is that I am’ or ‘Y/why is that I am na?’ in a real visceral…

A – Archetype of Man’as Mind

aaaaaaaa@@@@@@@@@yyy%%&o0o&%%yyy@@@@@@@@@@aaaaaaa Referring to the archetype of letter A in Hieroglyphic form, we may find revelation of 3,000+ year old secret hidden in Y(why) we see, Y(why) we know…

Is Tradition Treason ?

Word tradition is a doublet of treason.  A doublet, linguistically, is one of a pair of words derived from same(sa me) original but entering language from different routes….


Devil(d’eve’ll\/y na) may(m(em) or y\/man’as mind or y(ou)) care(c’ng are). In other word(s), seeing(c’ng) that you are (that) y(why) na devil(d’eve’ll\/da will of eve’re thing), Y'(a)z man grieves…

Na me is Sa(la)me

  In na maste or salutation, na me is sa l(a) (me m or y)’u’/you tation(t(h)at i\/I on\/am) Na me(narrative memory) is sa (al\/la) me(that mem or y)…