Category: UncategorizedPage 29 of 37

Going Home at the Speed of Enlightenment

Welcome home.  Why el co-me(mory) a’s h(ey) om e(iya).  That memory of\/ove el(love) a’s hey(vital breath breathed breathing) a’s om(sum thing – gestalt of all sound of breath…

Re; Back to That Search for Re

& that guard guard’n guardian of Aten, A ten, a singular zero, a’s goal (go’ng al(l)) of science\/psy’ence\/peh esse’nce.  That search[ < OF cercher  <  L  circare  to…


In that our modern Greco-Roman alphabeta concludes w/these letters means their importance corresponds in that ever unbroken circle of life w/ending as beginning.  Thus XYZ is the ABC…

Are we flat from not enough G’s us?

Once upon a time, we feared sailing off the edge of our familiar known world, the flat earth.  Now we consider traveling to the edge of the universe….

That Man Called Horse

There is awareness on the inside that precedes that on the outside, before the slaughter of innocence, that remains unsullied by the narrative actuality of all that appears…

Declaration of Independence

In that I am an ever free being no matter what exigencies may appear to capture, enslave, or debilitate.  That I am recognizing anyone & very likely everyone,…

Whose in charge ?

Who as relative pronoun is that which applies to persons or things indiscriminately.  Whose is possessive case of who or that.  Thus whose = who is that or that se Se…

Sham of original sin

Jo, god of the sea, said to P’ing-i, god of the Yellow River, “You can’t discuss the ocean w/a well frog- he’s limited by the space he lives…

Shake, Rattle, & Roll

into the ‘city of the gods’,  by(being y) the  phonographic letters of ABBC. “In Egypt of 1350 bce there existed a ‘city of gold & light.’  Akhetaten, the…

The Big Momma & Pappa

As far as we know, in actuality it seems there must be two to create one.  Other than that, in order to find that singularity, it seems we…