Category: UncategorizedPage 30 of 37

That area of community

in our incredible diversity may be found or denied in actuality, yet that reality behind all appearance remains invisibly indivisible.   That area is a re a, a…

Oh d’na-thing

So much doing in that twist of fate of that d’na-thing that we may miss realizing being that in the rush to make waves.  The swells are out…

Ts dawning of Age of Aquarius,

the age of man’as mind bearing water / mem or y of that consciousness / awareness of whom we all(wheel) are turning into.  That, apparently is news to…


that search [< OF cercher < L circare  to go round, explore < circus ring] of re / back is that return, that turn to re, to our back side, to…

Equality of That First Time

It seems science mimics religion in a denial of prehistory.  Whereas religion may deny a prehistory of cosmic evolution over billions of years, modern science denies a prehistory…

Great Divide vs. Great Work

The distance between that Great Divide & that Great Work is no greater than that between sleep & waking, between what is in front & what is behind,…

Fool that I am

to witness that realization of why, though we all(wheel) turn asz too(two) search mightily, we’ll(wheel) in y’all e’turn’ity  never actually see the birth of a star.  Perhaps actuality…

Return to sender

Turning to re, we may find, being completely surrounded & absorbed by a cosmos that obliterates any particular bodies through a scale of such magnitude while still being…


Could it be, everyone is motivated by(being y) energy(en y erg) forma’sszz freedom?  Under that power of ignore-ance, denial, y’ll d’na, we all(wheel) may turn asz too(two) believe…

Questions I’d like to ask

OInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterOuterInnerInterO If you are just a bag of chemicals reacting to shit, how & why would you know that? If you were a machine, would you be able…