Category: UncategorizedPage 4 of 37

Being That Being Alone

Re’st assured that y you’re; you now appearing awhile is merely asz though”t’sz for’ma’sz mirroring the invisible indivisible individual thru power of the way of eve’re’y t’h’ing’ka’ing wave…


A ledge, allegedly being, of k’now, ka’s mic memory intelligence consciousness k’urve in g(gravity of the weight/wait’in’g) time(now) for any mere mirror duplicating y na you now as’z…

Why Exist?

Y X is T. Y as’z eX is t/+, ABBC key 21 T/Th tav, signature x m’arks the spot, the point of view, of you, of y around…

There They Are

The re the y a re The re; principal principle invisible indivisible individual point of view, of you are a re; the y you’re; you. That point of…

Y Never X

Y n(a) eve r(e) (y) X is tense at’tention of appearing a’pairing asz though(tsz) the or y of man’as mind’or y me or you(memory)(theory of relativity) in(being be”am’ing)…

X Posing (H)Our Role

X posing asz in (h)our(time) role acts the part of double agent. X(un(a)known/ one known(objectified) asz though(tsz) y na me(m or y))(an y(bodhi)merely(mirror’ly duplication)y na you now posing…

In The Black (W)hole

In (being be”am’ing) the (or y)(man’as mind’or y) black (being”lack(ing)(asz though(tsz) appearing a pairing being w/out(x)) w/hole (hollow/hallow/sacred black d”ark Krish’na Kryst/Christ/LOVE SUPREME bliss y you’re; you now(u’ni’fied…

X’s Stance

The sheer transparent duplicity of X’s stance standing merely(mirror’ly reflected) over reflection why you’re; you now asz though(tsz) w/intent of intentionally disregarding/ignoring that complete invincible invisible individual indivisibility…

Y Beware of Exposition

Y(why) be(a)ware(be wary)(being be”am’ing w/ar(e) y you’re; you) of any mere(mirror duplicity) y na you not(y’ll d’na/denial – positive negation of being that invisible indivisible individual) by you…

Are We Alone?

Notice that feeling being alone is the most natural predisposition of anybody.   Is it likely that any extraterrestrial contact w/exoplanets would change that inner feeling?   Even…