Category: UncategorizedPage 9 of 37

A Nu Y of Life

merely(mirror’ly) an y y nu//y na//y now realizing apprehending discerning picking up on the extent of intent being aten tion(t(h)at i\/I on/am), being of ten, a 10, a…

Have You Heard the News?

“They’re scandalizin’ my(memory) name(y na me or you),                                        …

Ghost of Memory

In(being be”am’ing) that great go(ad) ‘host’ of memory we all(wheel) turn struck by lightning moment by moment from above(ove ab/ove father/of sire – dhi sire to perceive that invisible…

Where Is That First Place

Where adv.  1. At or in what place  :  Where is my book? Where ator/rota/taro is in(being) what(why) my book is. (is)(awareness – letter’y’all in word y being appearing//a pairing w/out…

Goal of a(A) Good Book

is to realize what is why. Why is instrumental case of what; for what cause, purpose, or reason is being that y y y y’all that that that…

That Wave Length

is that way of eve(wave) re y mere(mirror) function of ‘length’ ((e)l en(y) g(go’ing – go(a)d’ing – gravitating) th(at)(awareness) a(A)’s  z z  z y y Y x(out)t’ent of in’t’ent (in(being be”am’ing)t’ent(t'(at/that…

Sea of Love

  asz y’all notion (eN'{{{un(a) way of eve(wave) ocean – o/ayin(ABBC key 15 ‘eye’ function of mirth(mirror’th) merely(mirror’ly)) id’entity asz ‘ce-an(y) seer sight seeing that joy heart field(feeling…

Trust in the Unknown

That is rely adhere stick to realizing(cultivating realization of that being w/in) awareness of that un ((a) one single indivisible individual y’all) known /ka now n(eN y form”a’sz…

Being w/out merely Being w/in

W/in being that, that awareness that I am is, is any any ANY mere(mirror) being w/out. W/in being be”am’ing that awareness that I am is, is any mere(mirror) an…

That Infinite ‘Black’ Space

is(I’s) that awareness in(being)finite(eN d(hi)’ing/asz too(two) perceive eN y t(h)ing’k(a)’ing) black(by/being y lack(ing)–being w/out asz space asz (e)s(a-that) peh(utter pow pow power) (of) a’ce(ing)(a(A)’s Mr. re point of…